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Portability   arrow

Portability provides an opportunity for HCV tenants to relocate to another housing authority outside of the initial housing authority’s jurisdiction.  Effective April 1, 2025 the Admin Fee paid to other agencies is $ 72.84.  Plano Housing Authority has a 25 mile radius jurisdiction from our Administrative Building located at 1740 Ave G, Plano TX  75074.  Click the map below for a larger version.

Operating Area of 25 mile radius


If you are requesting to port to Plano, here are the steps you must follow:

1.  Contact your current housing authority counselor to begin the portability process.  Your current housing authority will issue you a voucher to allow you to port here.

2.  Plano Housing Authority is administering vouchers, we are not absorbing.  Our Payment Standards are generated by the zip code of the assisted unit.  Click the Allowances tab to see the Payment Standards for each zip code.  We do not know the payment standard that you will have because you will need to select the property first.

3.  Your current counselor will need to mail your paperwork to the attention of PORTABILITY at Plano Housing Authority, 1740 Ave G. Plano, TX 75074; or fax your paperwork to 972-408-0802 or email your paperwork to  K Teague can be reached at extension 370.

4.  Once your counselor notifies you that your paperwork has been sent to Plano, you will need to contact the Plano Portability Counselor to schedule an appointment.  The counselor can be reached by either calling her at extension 370 or e-mailing You must be able to provide legible copies of birth certificates and social security cards for head of household and all family members. You must also provide proof of household income and a valid photo ID for head of household and all family members 18 years or older.  Our office lobby is closed so this information can either be sent via e-mail or you can bring it to our office and drop it in the silver mailbox right next to the front door.  The information can also be mailed to 1740 G Ave, Plano TX  75074.  We do not recommend fax as the copies are often unable to be read.  We process portability requests on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.  Holidays may push this back to the following business day.  Do NOT just show up at our office and expect a voucher to be immediately issued.  There is a process that must be completed before your voucher can be issued.

Once our office has received all of the necessary documentation you will be issued a voucher from Plano Housing Authority which relates to the date of the voucher forwarded from your initial housing authority. You will also be provided a packet of information you will need to search for housing.  This information and your voucher can be sent to you via e-mail so it will speed up your process if you can provide your e-mail contact information.  If you do not have an e-mail address we will have to mail your voucher and packet to you.  Be advised that we can not determine how long the mail will take so it is strongly advised for you to have an e-mail address.  Do NOT just show up at our office and expect a voucher to be immediately issued.  There is a process that must be completed before your voucher can be issued. 

Payment Standards and Voucher Size
Plano Housing determines the appropriate number of bedrooms under the Plano Housing subsidy standards and enters the family unit size on the voucher that is issued to the family. The family unit size does not dictate the size of unit the family must actually lease, nor does it determine  within a household who will share a bedroom/sleeping room.

Plano Housing Authority will issue a voucher based on:

One bedroom for each two persons within the household.  Two people per room.

Do NOT lease/Move In to a unit until the inspection has been completed by our agency.  If you do Move In you will not receive rental assistance.

If you are a Plano Housing Authority client requesting to relocate or port you must inform your counselor at your annual recertification briefing and complete a request to relocate form at that time. Forms are available in the Forms tab of the website.

We do not participate in the FSS program.  If you are porting to our area and you are a current FSS participant you will want to port to another agency that has an active FSS program.